Saturday, January 19, 2008

Let Sleeping Dog Lie

What is it about a sleeping dog that just makes you want
to pester them? I was good, and didn't. But I have before
and then wonder why I feel so compelled. Just moving
their ears around - or kissing their noses or right between
the eyes. Little things like that become strong urges when
they are asleep. And Wrigley is a snorer - so when he is
deep asleep - you know it. Doesn't he have cute eye lashes?

Friday, January 18, 2008
Meet Bruno

Since you got to meet Merry Maid yesterday, I figured today
was a good day to introduce Bruno. He is actually my third
roomba. The first one I got when they first came out and he
still works - but when his battery died - I found a whole
new roomba (same as first) for only $25 more than just
a battery replacement. Plus I got two more virtual walls
which I needed. So I was set. But after a few years - I
really wanted the scheduling option. Where I could set
him in a corner and every day he would take off on his
own at a preset time and vacuum. I love that! So I still
have the other two - and I use them in other rooms. Bruno's
job is to vacuum the dining room, living room, main entry and
front hall every day at 10 AM. He is good at it. I use the others
(well mainly only once since I still lack one battery - but if that one
needs a good cleaning I use the other one) in the bedrooms mainly.
I keep thinking there should be a good project for me to transform
my original one into. Maybe a dog treat dropper. It could drive
around for 90 minutes and every 15 minutes drop a treat - to
entertain the dogs.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

My Merry Mopper!

I've had a roomba vacuum for years - I got one a few months after they came out. I think they are great for anyone with indoor pets. I have mine set to vacuum every day at 10AM. That little white thing in the back is a virtual wall - which keeps it in the room you want it in. But this is my new Scooba - like a Roomba but it mops. And the great part - it detects when there is carpet and doesn't go onto the carpet. I've had it about a week and it is doing a great job. So now after my roomba vacuums - my scooba can mop. But I can't have it go automatically like my roomba. I have to fill it with the cleaner (or plain water or vinegar and water) and turn it on. Now I just need to get a robot to do the laundry! (and cook dinner, and clean the bathrooms, and.....)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Afternoon Delight....

My favorite snack lately is this Fage Greek Yogurt. It
is so yummy. I eat it with a table spoon of honey since it
isn't sweetened. It is thick and creamy and feels like you
are eating cheese cake. I like the 2% since it tastes as good
as the whole version - but is creamier than the 1% version.
And it is very filling! They have some with the honey already
added in - but it only comes in the whole milk variety and
has too many calories. So I just add my own alfalfa honey.
They have a cherry kind too that is very yummy.

Monday, January 14, 2008

If You're Rotten and You Know It....

This is Wrigley - the new puppy. He is 5 months old now.
One of his favorite ways to bug me is to grab a piece of
bark from the front garden on his way into the house without
me noticing - and then break it into as many tiny pieces as
possible before I see what he is doing. He thinks this is
great fun. I usually do a mouth check before letting him
into the house - but forgot, AGAIN, this evening. Luckily
I saw it before he broke it into too many pieces. Don't let
him fool you - he has an entire basket full of toys in all
shapes, sizes and textures. And he destorys them on a
daily basis. But that doesn't stop him from eating the

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Somethings in the Air!

It was bright and sunny at home, 78 degrees.
We headed out to one of our favorite lunch
spots. Sitting at our favorite table I snapped
a picture of the pretty view. By the time we
were done with lunch the view had changed.
It was odd watching a front roll in. Luckily
it stayed pretty nice, just foggy, and we headed
to the art show on the beach. It rained a few
minutes in the evening, but still nice weather.
So I guess it was a weak front. But cool to watch!

Saturday, January 12, 2008


One of my sons Christmas Gifts. He
plays daily and is getting better every
day. Gotta love the robe! I had to
win - can't let a kid in a robe beat you
at ping-pong.

Friday, January 11, 2008

The Old Dog - Jake

I've decided to start a daily photo blog! I asked the wise old
dog (he is the only one up) and he didn't like the idea. But
I decided to give it a go. Just random photos I take with
a little blurb about them. So - this is the old dog Jake. He
is a sweet dog who doesn't like to listen to me when I tell
him it is time to come inside. He likes to lay in the road
or run next door to visit the neighbors.